Why CBD investments is the right move for 2020

CBD oil

It seems like. Lately, all we hear and see around us is CBD. With the public’s increasing interest in CBD and CBD products, it’s nearly impossible to escape this ever-trending oil. For those of you who don’t know what CBD is, CBD stands for Cannabidiol. One of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. In 2018, clinical research on cannabidiol included preliminary studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain.


So now that you know what CBD’s are, you can see why their ever-growing popularity is skyrocketing. In our view, this is because the public awareness of mental health issues is more prominent thanks to the help of social media. CBD has emerged as a treatment for these issues, such as depression, anxiety, and pain, to name a few.  Another main reason why CBD’s are all the craze anyone is talking about is that it does not have any intoxicating properties, unlike marijuana. CBD has no THC, which is what gets you “high,” so to say. Many of those who would never consume marijuana because of its effects are now trying CBD products instead.


Since CBD is considered safe for humans, web searches for CBD have been on the rise. Many believe that this is directly connected to specific illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and other health issues. CBD is also currently being used to treat pain and arthritis in the elderly.

In addition to all the health advantages humans can benefit from, CBD is also being used for pets.

It is a popular way to treat nausea, stress, anxiety, and gastrointestinal issues.


Another reason for the popularity in CBD is because of the 2018 passage of the Farm Bill, which legalizes industrial hemp cultivation, which is where CBD’s are derived from.  The bill authorizes industrial hemp across the United States. So why does this matter, you might ask yourself? It matters because it decriminalizes the plant and is safe to consume. The bill also allows for the interstate movement and commercial sale of hemp-derived products, including CBDs.


As if these reasons were not good enough as it is, to top it all off is the evaluation. Predictions conclude that CBD will be a billion-dollar industry by 2022.  It’s on an upward trajectory and doesn’t seem to slow down anytime soon. With all this said, now is a great time to invest in the CBD industry.


CBDXFUND.com, the first-female controlled CBD IPO in the United States, allows ordinary investors to get in on the ground floor of CBD investment for as little as $100. Investing on the ground floor presents ordinary investors a unique opportunity that used to be preserved for accredited investors.

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