Buy Kandypens Gravity Pen Online
kandypens gravity pen is a wax-based vape pen designed as one of the most sophisticated and advanced pens currently available. The Gravity is crafted and made to perfection with some of its newest features like a temperature-controlled battery, two atomizers quartz, and a donut, and it is well finished with a noir-style sheen. On top of this is a lifetime warranty to ensure that your investment in the gravity pen Kandypens vaporizer is not wasted.
Temperature Options
The KandyPens Gravity vaporizer pen has four different temperature settings, unlike the Galaxy vape pen, which only offers three temperature options. The Gravity bottom logo and power button will glow in different colors indicating which temperature is currently set. The colors and their respective temperatures are:- 300F- Pink
350F- Red
400F- Green
430F- Blue
The new pink temperature setting is a significant improvement over the Galaxy. You can change the temperatures by clicking the button three times in the shape of the letter K. The button will change colors, and the light blinks three times, indicating the temperature change. Five quick clicks will unlock or lock the battery. It is just the same as turning the battery on and off. If you turn the pen off and back on, the current temperature flashes with the respective color three times.
The battery can last for a long time, long enough for it to never pose an issue. A fully-charged battery will go up to two hours. If you travel a lot and need to charge the Gravity pen on the go, the charge is small and easy to carry. One of the best parts about a gravity temperature control battery is its lifetime warranty. This means that KandyPens will replace your battery no matter what happens to it. Such a warranty is extremely rare, especially regarding the wax pen category.
Ceramic Disk Atomizer
By far, this is one of the best atomizers to date. It shines with the lower temperatures on the KandyPens Gravity Vape Pen battery. The first few hits always are full of flavor with zero risks of burning the oil. The disk does a great job of distributing the heat evenly. buy dank vapes The disk in the chamber is placed low enough to vaporize any oil that makes it to the bottom—lots of quality and great flavor from this one.
Dual Quartz Rod Atomizer
There is a lot to love with the dual quartz rod atomizer for dabbing off quartz funs. The whole atomizer chamber is lined with quartz; inside it are two quartz rods wrapped in a titanium coil. The rods do a great job absorbing and distributing heat from the coils. Also, they are placed low enough in the chamber to vaporize any oil that will make it down there.
Buying KandyPens Gravity Vaporizer
Regarding buying a portable vaporizer, kandypens gravity pen battery & charger cartridges are one of the best options if you are out there looking for a mid-priced and super easy-to-use wax pen. It is priced just like any other wax pen vaporizer but features styling and durability. Also, you will get a state of atomizer technology, a lifetime warranty, and a battery with TC function, to mention a few.